GreenLoop EU Commission

🌱 On Wednesday 20 March we had the honour of working with the European Commission on an event that made history. Together, we have traced new paths for a more sustainable and responsible future.

💡 The ideas that emerged during the event are a guiding light for change, a roadmap to a greener and fairer world.

🤝 We want to thank each participant for contributing to this event, an exciting two-day factory tour, we were able to show our manufacturing processes our technology is our patents along with some of our biggest customers, Adamo Srl, Stilfibra srl, Stoelzle Glass Group , Schmid Spa and many others. Whose voices and ideas are the engine of change.
It is time to act. It is time to turn words into concrete actions. A better future is possible, and together we can achieve it.
Stay tuned to stay up to date with our initiatives and how you can be an active part of the sustainability revolution..

Mixcycling sustainability evolution.

👉 Watch the video about us in the Sole 24ore !!

👉 Read the article about us on Ansa!!

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